Personal Training Amstelveen / 29 Minutes Power Training

Personal Training Amstelveen
Personal Training Amstelveen

Champions Factory Holland Kickboxing Amstelveen Academy, biedt het exclusieve Amstelveense Personal Training programma aan. De 29 Minuten Krachttraining, een trainingsprogramma ontwikkeld door Hoofd Coach Artur Mariano, trainer van 9 wereldkampioenen. 29 Minutes is een hit bij studenten die de kans hebben gehad om deze methode te oefenen. De 29 Minuten zijn inclusief warming-up training, zaktraining, Boxing Pad (Boxing work), Thai Pad (Kick Boxing / Muay Thai work), Cross training, stretching en ontspanning op de Power Plate machine, allemaal in 29 minuten. In 3 tot 4 weken heeft de student een volledige verandering in fitheid, zelfvertrouwen, zelfvertrouwen. Door de snelle doorloop is het programma 29 Minutes een hit bij scholieren van alle leeftijden, van 10 tot 70 jaar. waarbij het fysieke en mentale gebied betrokken zijn. Dit programma kan individueel of met twee personen worden gedaan. Personal Training in Amstelveen is bij Champions Factory Holland met het 29 Minutes Power Training programma. We hebben studenten die van andere locaties komen om het 29 Minutes Power Training-programma te trainen, zoals in Amsterdam, Almere, Den Haag…..

Our adress: Champions Factory Holland / Maalderij 21c, 1185 ZB, Amstelveen – Holland.

Phone / Whatsapp 06 81 98 65 65


Champions Factory Holland Kick Boxing Amstelveen Academy, offers the exclusive Amstelveen Personal Training program. The 29 Minutes Power Training, a training program developed by Head Coach Artur Mariano, trainer of 9 world champions. 29 Minutes is a hit with students who have had the opportunity to practice this method. The 29 Minutes includes warm-up training, bag training, Boxing Pad (Boxing work), Thai Pad (Kick Boxing / Muay Thai work), Cross training, stretching and relaxation on the Power Plate machine, all in 29 minutes . In 3 to 4 weeks the student has a complete change in fitness, self esteem, self confidence. The 29 Minutes program is a hit with students of all ages, from 10 years old to 70 years old, due to the quick turnaround. involving the physical and mental area. This program can be done individually or in two people. Personal Training in Amstelveen is at Champions Factory Holland with the 29 Minutes Power Training program. We have students who come from other locations just to train the 29 Minutes Power Training program like in Amsterdam, Almere, Den Haag…..

Our adress: Champions Factory Holland / Maalderij 21c, 1185 ZB, Amstelveen – Holland.

Phone / Whatsapp 06 81 98 65 65


Academia Champions Factory Holland Kick Boxing Amstelveen, oferece o programa de Personal Training em Amstelveen exclusivo. O 29 Minutes Power Training, programa de treino desenvolvido pelo Head Coach Artur Mariano, formador de 9 campeões mundiais . O 29 Minutes é um sucesso entre os alunos que tiveram a oportunidade de treinar esse método. Dentro do 29 Minutes está incluso treinamento de aquecimento, treinamento de saco, Boxe Pad (trabalho de Boxe), Thai Pad (Trabalho de Kick Boxing / Muay Thai), Cross training, alongamento e relaxamento na maquina Power Plate, tudo isso em 29 minutos. Em 3 a 4 semanas o aluno tem uma mudança completa no condicionamento físico, auto estima, auto confiança. O programa 29 Minutes é um sucesso entre alunos de todas as idades, desde 10 anos até 70 anos, devido rápido resultado. envolvendo a área física e mental. Esse programa pode ser feito individual ou em duas pessoas. Personal Training em Amstelveen é na Champions Factory Holland com o pograma 29 Minutes Power Training. Temos alunos que vem de outras localidades somente para treinarl o programa 29 Minutes Power Training como em Amsterdam, Almere, Den Haag…..

Our adress: Champions Factory Holland / Maalderij 21c, 1185 ZB, Amstelveen – Holland.

Phone / Whatsapp 06 81 98 65 65