Over Champions Factory

Champions Factory is een gespecialiseerde academie in vechtkunsten. Opgericht in 2001 in Brazilië door de toenmalige grootmeester van Muay Thai Artur Mariano, die op dat moment zelf net zijn handschoenen had opgehangen. Champions Factory werd geleidelijk een van de belangrijkste vechtsportscholen op nationaal en vervolgens internationaal gebied. Champions Factory Holland heeft in Amstelveen haar eerste Europese vestiging geopend.
Na een succesvolle carrière als professionele vechter in zowel MMA als Muay Thai besloot Artur Mariano in 2001 met pensioen te gaan vanwege problemen in verband met trombose. Nadat hij zijn handschoenen had opgehangen, besloot hij zijn kennis over te dragen aan nieuwe generaties vechters, waarmee hij het Champions Factory-team oprichtte. Aanvankelijk gevestigd aan de Rua Raimundo Correa, in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazilië.
Het debuut van het team in de officiële competities kwam in december 2001 toen Amaury Bitetti Denis Halm versloeg in een superwedstrijd op Hawaï.
De keuze van de teamnaam is geïnspireerd door de moeder van Artur, Maria Elena, die na zijn pensionering zei dat het tijd was om te beginnen met het maken van kampioenen. Artur vond het een goed idee om een ‘fabriek van kampioenen’ te creëren, maar koos de naam in het Engels, met de nadruk op zijn ambitie om het internationaal uit te breiden.
Met zijn nationale hoofdkantoor aan de Rua Barata Ribeiro in Copacabana is de Champions Factory momenteel de academie met het grootste aantal Muay Thai-studenten in Brazilië. Het heeft dochterondernemingen in verschillende andere plekken naast Rio de Janeiro, zoals São Paulo, Minas Gerais en Amazonas. Momenteel breidt Champions Factory zich wereldwijd uit en heeft het de eerste gym in Europa geopend in Nederland (Amstelveen). In de nabije toekomst zal het zijn academies uitbreiden zoals het deed in Brazilië.
Grootmeester Artur Mariano creëerde in 2009 een sociaal project in de buurt ‘Parque da Cidade’, een arm gebied in Rio de Janeiro. Waar gratis Muay Thai-lessen werden gegeven om jongeren uit criminaliteit te halen, zo ontwikkelden ze hun vaardigheden als persoon, leerden ze om te gaan met vertrouwen, verantwoordelijkheid, toewijding en discipline samen met dagelijkse training. Uit dit project kwamen nieuwe instructeurs, nationale kampioenen en twee wereldkampioenen voort.
In de loop der jaren verzamelde het team verschillende titels, zeven titels per nationaal team, negen wereldtitels, waarbij ongeveer dertig atleten een top drie scoorden op grote toernooien in Thailand, de titels volgen daarna ook in MMA, een onderdeel waar Champions Factory nu hard bezig is om atleten te ontwikkelen.

Grand Master Artur Mariano
Grand Master Artur Mariano
Artur Mariano is de oprichter van Champions Factory. Met 35 jaar ervaring als zelfverdediging specialist, voormalig Muay Thai- en MMA-kampioen, zwarte band Jiu-Jitsu en zelfs 15 jaar tv-commentator voor vechtsporten in Brazilië is Artur Mariano een gevestigde naam in de vechtsportwereld.
Daarbij zit Artur rond de tafel bij de World Muay Thai Federation waar hij functioneert Vice President.
Als coach heeft Artur ervaring opgedaan als coach van het Braziliaanse team Muay Thai, en is hij schrijver van vier boeken, twee over Muay Thai, MMA en een autobiografie.
Specialist in vechtsporten
Het traject van Artur Mariano begon in 1980 in judo. In 1985 trad hij toe tot Boxing Thai, waar hij een leerling was van wijlen Grootmeester Luiz Alves. Sindsdien is hij zijn muay thai-techniek blijven perfectioneren, heeft hij verschillende nationale en internationale titels gewonnen en is hij de enige ongeslagen Braziliaanse vechter in deze modaliteit. Naast judo en muay thai heeft Artur andere modaliteiten opgeleid, zoals jiu-jitsu, waarbij hij een zwarte band is die wordt erkend door de Braziliaanse Jiu-Jitsu Confederatie (CBJJ) en de Internationale Braziliaanse Jiu-Jitsu Federatie (IBJJF).
Specialist in fights besides master in the muay thai, Artur Mariano is black belt of jiu-jitsu and professor of boxing and MMA. In jiu-jitsu, he won the black belt at the hands of Grand Master Osvaldo Alves, being recognized by the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Confederation (CBJJ) and International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (IBJJ) as such. He became an adept at the most successful boxing school in the world: the Cuban one. Pedro Roque Oteño, the inventor of the methodology that made Cuba the greatest world power in this sport, and Otílio Toledo and Paco Garcia, in the theoretical and practical parts respectively. The high technical level gained in this fight elevated Arthur to the condition of Olympic boxing trainer, graduated by the Brazilian Boxing Confederation (CBB).
As one of the main exponents of the sport in the country, he decided to take on the responsibility of helping to promote muay thai also in the political arena. Since 2000, he has held a variety of positions, starting as the head of the Federation of Rio de Janeiro, as secretary-general and vice-president of the Brazilian Confederation of Muay Thai (CBMT), until, in 2010, of his mentor, Grand Master Luiz Alves, in one of the saddest episodes of his life.
Currently, Artur Mariano is also the president and leader of the Pan-American Muay Confederation, the official representative in the Americas of the World Muay Thai Federation (WMF) and the Muay Thai Conservation Center of Thailand.
In March 2007, he was decorated by the City Council of Rio de Janeiro with the Pan American Sports Merit Medal, the city’s biggest sports commendation, delivered by councilman Roberto Monteiro.
The culmination of his career as an athlete came in 1997, when he was invited by then-master Luiz Alves to compete for the second edition of the International Vale Tudo Championship (IVC), an event promoted by Sérgio Batarelli and known at the time as the most violent in the world. After beating the Americans Patrick Assalone and Mark Hall by knockout and leading one of the bloodiest fights in history against compatriot Wanderlei Silva, interrupted by medical decision in the 21st minute, he became world champion, consolidating himself as one of the biggest names in the world of fights.
After officially ending his athletic career in 2001, he decided to pass on his technical knowledge and experience to the new generations of fighters, thus establishing the Champions Factory, one of the largest muay thai academies in Brazil. In addition to being the biggest winner of national titles by team, the Champions Factory has formed fighters world champions.
In order to help people in adverse socioeconomic conditions, he created the Artur Mariano Institute, which, in partnership with the Parque Vivo project, helps to take children and young people out of crime and to include them socially through sport.
The Institute founded a unit of Champions Factory in the favela Parque da Cidade, in Rio de Janeiro. In it, young people from the communities can train at no cost. In addition to the teaching of martial arts, one of the master’s main concerns is to convey to these young people, through their example and life lessons, a model of healthy behavior. To illustrate the seriousness of this project, it is enough to remember that several athletes from him have stood out nationally and internationally, such as the young Victor Santos, second place in the World Championship of 2012 and world champion the following year, both played in Bangkok, Thailand, hometown of muay thai. A coronation and so much for the Project, of which its idealizer does not hide the pride.
His vast knowledge in martial arts (Muay Thai, Judo, Boxing, Jiu Jitsu, MMA and physical preparation) led Artur Mariano to receive an invitation in 2005 to be a commentator on the Combat and SporTV channels of the Globosat system. He started by commenting on the events of K-1, the biggest event of standing fights in the world at the time, and later he started to play in the main national and international MMA events. Throughout his career as a commentator, he has performed live on more than 150 editions of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), the largest MMA event in the world. Already more than 13 years on TV as a specialist in martial arts.
Career and Titles
– Initiated in Muay Thai in 1985 (RJ)
– Graduated in Grau Preta in Muay Thai 1992 (RJ)
– Grand Prix Champion Vale Tudo IVC 2 1997
– MMA European Champion Netherlands 1999
– Completed the career of undefeated Muay Thai athlete in 1999 in the Netherlands
– Founder of the academy Champions Factory 2001
– Commentator of the Combat Channel / SporTV since 2005
– Graduated from Muay Thai Master in 2006 (GMLuiz Alves / SP)
– He trained in Olympic Boxing teacher in 2006 (CBB / SP)
– Received the Commendation of the largest sports commendation of the city, Pan American in the city council (RJ / 2007)
– Launched the Technical Book of Muay Thai 2007
– Pay Champion by Teams of Brazil of Muay Thai 2007/10/11/12/16)
– Launched the technical book of MMA 2008
– Formulated in black belt of Jiu Jitsu in 2009 (GM Osvaldo Alves / RJ)
– Official representative of the World Muay Thai Federation (WMF / Thailand) 2010
– Graduated from Grand Master Muay Thai 2014 (WMF / Thailand)
– Technician of the Brazilian National Team of Muay Thai in the World Cup 2010/11/12/13/14/1516/17
– He worked as a coach directly from the Champions Factory: 8 World Champions / 8 Silver Medals in World Championships / 13 Bronze Medals in World Championships
– As Technical Sel. Brazilian Muay Thai made: 24 world champions from 2011 to 2017
– President Brazilian Confederation of Muay Thai 2013
– Founder of the School of MMA Referees of Brazil 2013
– President Pan-American Muay Confederarion 2015
Motivational Speaker 2016
– Vice World President World Muay Thai 2016
– Launched the book Auto Motivational Biography “The trajectory of a champion in the ring and in life”
Muay Thai – Top Titles – (Undefeated)
• Champion Gala ZonneHus Amsterdam (Holland) 1999
• He was among the top three in Brazil (90,91,92)
• 6 times Rio champion, Rio de Janeiro (all by knockout 89,90,91,92,93,97)
• Champion Cup Corpre 1988
• Open champion of Freiburg 1991
• All Time – (Undefeated)
• IVC World Champion II tournament (Intenational is worth all championship) 1997
• Won the same night Patrick Assalone (USA), Mark Hall (USA) and Wanderlei Silva (BRA)
• Fight Gala Champion (Holland) – 1998
• Champion Gala Holland – 1999
• Champion Taiboksgala – 1999
• Champion UFO Europe take-off gala – 1999
Free Fight
• Second of the Dutch Ranking of 1999
• Champion Schermerhorn Free Fight – 1999
Jiu Jitsu
• Brazilian Team Champion – 1997
• Champion weight and absolute linj – 1997
• Participant of the world championship – 1997

Due to problems related to thrombosis, he ended his fighting career prematurely. Today, he is the official representative of the largest Muay Thai institution in the Americas, the World Muay Thai Federation (WMF), and coach of the Brazilian national team in Thailand. In addition, in 2010 assumed the Presidency of the Brazilian Confederation of Muay Thai (CBMT). His extensive experience as an athlete and MMA referee has earned him the invitation to be a commentator on Globosat’s Combate and SporTV channels, which he regularly performs.
Born from a humble family, Artur Mariano had his first contact with the martial arts at the age of six, when his mother, Maria Elena Rocha, enrolled him in judo classes. His trajectory in muay thai began in the mid-1980s, influenced by a friend whose grandfather introduced tai chi chuan in Brazil and already knew the muay thai. Artur had as great mentor in this art the great Grandmaster Luiz Alves, of Thai Boxing, with whom the relation transcended the limits of the rings and became practically paternal. With him, Artur published two books: one about muay thai and another about MMA in 2007 and 2008, respectively.
Between 1986 and 1992, Artur participated in many undergraduate exams and competitions, having been the winner in all. In 1992, graduated to black degree, becoming professor in the academy Bukodan, in the Rio Comprido, zone north carioca. In the same year, he moved to Cabo Frio and introduced the sport in this city.
In 1997, he decided to travel in search of more knowledge. To reach his goal, he toured the countries considered the greatest powers of the sport: he spent two years training in Holland and, a few years later, in Thailand, the country of origin of the sport. In the latter, he settled in Pramuk Gym, Buakaw Por gym. Pramuk, two-time K-1 champion and one of the greatest martial arts legends in the world. Received Master’s degree in 2006.
As a coach of the Brazilian team of muay thai in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Artur Mariano won eight world titles, 22 runners-up and 28 bronze medals.
Martial arts expert Artur Mariano has released four books.
was invited by his late master Luiz Alves to launch his first Muay Thai book in 2007, the following year the two received another invitation and released the book on MMA, after which Arthur launched his motivational autobiography in 2016, that same year released the second book by Muay Thai.
Artur is married to Michelle Mariano and is the father of three children: Zoe, Reiki and Rhian.
• 4 World Championships 2017 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 3 World Championships 2017 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 5 Bronze medals World Championships 2017 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 4 world champions 2016 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 4 World Championships 2016 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 5 Bronze medals World Championships 2016 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 6 world champions 2015 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 4vice World Championships 2015 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 5 Bronze medals World Championships 2015 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 7 world champions 2014 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 4 World Championships 2014 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 5 Bronze medals World Championships 2014 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 2 world champions 2012 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 1 vice world championship2012 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 3 Bronze medals World Championships 2013 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 2 World Championships 2012 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 2 Bronze medals World Championships 2012 (WMF) (Thailand)
• Bi Muay Thai World Champion 2011 (WMF) (Thailand)
• 3 World Championships 2011 (WMF) (Thailand)
• Champion by team of the National Cup luiz Alves 2011
• Six times Brazilian champion for teams of Muay Thai 2007/2010/2011/2012/2016/2017
• Bi champion of the Campeonato Brasileiro Open by team 2009 and 2010
• Tetra champion of the Muay Thai Brazil Cup by team 2007/2008/2010/2011
• 4 FIFA World Championships 2010 (WMF) (Thailand)
• Vice champion by team National Cup Luiz Alves 2010
• Third place general in Brazil in 2009
• 3rd place overall in Muay Thai Brazil in 2009
• Open Brazilian champion of Muay Thai by teams 2009
• Tri Champion of the Champion’s Cup of Muay Thai 2007,2008 and 2009
• Second place General do Brasil by teams Muay Thai 2008
• Bi Team Champion of the Brazil Cup Muay Thai 2007/2008
• Bi champion Vale Tudo amaador 2007/2008
• Champion by general team of Brazil (CBMT) 2007
• Bi-Champion by Brazilian Team Muay Thai Rookies (CBMT) 2006 and 2007
• Bi Champion by team of the Champions Cup (CBMT) 2007/2008
• 2nd place by team Brazil Cup (CBMT) 2007
• 2nd place by team Brazil GP (CBMT) 2007
• Muay Thai Festival Team Champion (CBMT) 2006
• Tri Champion by Team- CF Open Muay Thai 2003, 2004 and 2005
• 2006 Muay Thai Festival Champion
• Champion by Brazilian Team Muay Thai Rookies 2006
• Champion Show Fight MMA 2006
• Champion X games MMA 2005
• Demolition Champion 2-5 2005
• Champion of the K-1 Brazil heavyweight tournament- 2004
• Champion of the K-1 Brazil Word Max category level- 2004
• Champion of the Victory Extreme Fight heavyweight tournament- 2004
• Tri Champion CF Open Muay Thai by Equipe- 2004
• Real Fight Champion -2004
• Bi Champion of the Open Muay Thai CF by team- 2004
• Champion of the Extreme Combat ValeTudo Arena – 2003
• CF Muay Thai Open Team Champion – 2003
• Champion Jungle Fight BRA – 2003
• Champion Knock by team MMA BRA – 2003
• Team Knock Champion Muay Thai BRA- 2003
• Storm Champion BRA – 2003
• Champion Bitetti combat BRA – 2003
• Russia vs World Champion – 2003
• Pancrase Japan Champion – 2003
• Vice K-1 Brazil player BRA tournament – 2003
• Rated for the quarterfinals of K-1 Las Vegas USA – 2003
• Brazilian Champion Muay Thai BRA – 2003
• Champion Carioca Muay Thai BRA – 2003
• Pride Japan Champion – 2002
• Honolulu Hawaii Shogun Champion – 2001
• Kuwait Champion – 2000
• Champion Ultimate Fight Champioship USA – 2000
Mission & Vision

Grand Master Artur Mariano
Mission to raise the level of people, put them on the highest level, show people who have the capacity to be, to reach, to win, to build, to do what the Champions Factory did, came out from under, with a small gym , grew, gained new branches, innovated in the way of relating with people, made state champions, national, Pan American and world champions. It is our mission to show you that you can do anything, as long as you do not go over anyone.
Here you can !!!!
We have the vision of always staying ahead, always being updated, inventing ourselves, seeking the most modern, believing that detail makes the difference, working the best relationship with our students, our winning spirit, belief in our work , will always lead us to the top of the pyramid.