Champions Factory makes two world champions in Thailand

Amstelveen Champions Factory Academy, formed two new world champions in martial arts. It was in Pattaya, Thailand at the Muay Thai World Championship (Kick Boxing) which was held from November 15th to 22nd by the World Muay Thai Federation. Academia Champions Factory took 4 athletes, 2 athletes got the Bronze medal in the Pro-am divisions. One athlete was World Muay Thai champion in the Senior division in the 60 kg category Carol Telhado and in the main professional division our athlete Bernardo Braga was World Muay Thai champion in the 75 kg category. We are an academy in Amstelveen in the Netherlands specializing in martial arts. We have group classes and personal training. Thought of Kick boxing Amstelveen is at Champions Factory, Muay Thai Amstelveen, MMA Amstelveen, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Amstelveen is at Champions Factory Holland in Amstelveen. Champions Factory GM founder Artur Mariano teaches classes in Amstelveen for children, women, adults for beginners and professionals. Welcome to Champions Factory Holland in Amstelveen.

Our adress: Champions Factory Holland / Maalderij 21c, 1185 ZB, Amstelveen – Holland.

Phone / Whatsapp 06 81 98 65 65

Amstelveen Champions Factory Academy, vormden twee nieuwe wereldkampioenen vechtsporten. Het was in Pattaya, Thailand, bij het Muay Thai Wereldkampioenschap (Kick Boxing) dat van 15 tot 22 november werd gehouden door de World Muay Thai Federation. Academia Champions Factory nam 4 atleten mee, 2 atleten behaalden de bronzen medaille in de Pro-am divisies. Een atleet was wereldkampioen Muay Thai in de Senior divisie in de categorie 60 kg Carol Telhado en in de belangrijkste professionele divisie was onze atleet Bernardo Braga wereldkampioen Muay Thai in de categorie 75 kg. Wij zijn een academie in Amstelveen in Nederland gespecialiseerd in vechtsporten. We hebben groepslessen en personal training. Gedacht aan Kickboksen Amstelveen is bij Champions Factory, Muay Thai Amstelveen, MMA Amstelveen, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Amstelveen is bij Champions Factory Holland in Amstelveen. Champions Factory GM oprichter Artur Mariano geeft lessen in Amstelveen voor kinderen, vrouwen, volwassenen voor beginners en professionals. Welkom bij Champions Factory Holland in Amstelveen.

Our adress: Champions Factory Holland / Maalderij 21c, 1185 ZB, Amstelveen – Holland

Academia Amstelveen Champions Factory, formou dois novos campeões mundiais nas artes marciais. Foi em Pattaya na Tailandia no campeonato mundial de Muay Thai (Kick Boxing) que foi realizado dos dia 15 a 22 de Novembro pela World Muay Thai Federation. Academia Champions Factory  levou 4 atletas, 2 atletas ficaram com a medalha de Bronze nas divições Pro-am. Uma atleta foi campeão Mundial de Muay Thai na divição Senior na categoria 60 kg Carol Telhado e na principal divisão a profissional nosso atleta Bernardo Braga foi campeão Mundial de Muay Thai na categoria de 75kg.  Somos uma academia em Amstelveen na Holanda especializados nas artes marciais. Temos aulas em grupo e personal training. Pensou em Kick boxing Amstelveen é na Champions Factory, Muay Thai Amstelveen, MMA Amstelveen, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Amstelveen é na Champions Factory Holland em Amstelveen. O fundador da Champions Factory GM Artur Mariano lecionar aulas em Amstelveen para crianças, mulhres, adultos para iniciantes e profissionais. Seja bem vindo a Champions Factory Holland em Amstelveen.

Our adress: Champions Factory Holland / Maalderij 21c, 1185 ZB, Amstelveen – Holland