Kickboxing for kids in Amstelveen
Kickboxing for kids in Amstelveen
Kickboxing for children offers many different benefits. At Champions-Factory we train kids from 6 to 15 years old. Classes take place every Tuesday and Friday from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
At Champions-Factory Holland we offer kickboxing lessons for children in the muay-thai style. The main difference between muay-thai and regular kickboxing is the number of contact points. For example, in muay-thai, in addition to the fists, legs and knees, the elbows may also be used.
Kickboxing lessons for kids
At our gym in Amstelveen we offer kickboxing for children. The curriculum we offer for children is different from that for adults. For example, the spar sessions will not be strengthened and will be performed in a play-like manner. We also emphasize the playful element, it should be fun for children to come to the training sessions.

Benefits Kickboxing for kids
Kickboxing offers many benefits, including for children. For example, many parents put their children on kickboxing to give them confidence. Kick boxing helps children to understand their own abilities. It ensures that children learn to stand up for themselves. However, the training also teaches how important discipline and respect are. The most essential rule in martial arts, respect each other!
It is therefore made clear that the techniques that are taught should not be used outside the gym. The group feeling is also important, when we train we do this together and as a group. In addition, the training offers a good outlet where the children can completely lose their frustration.
The training also trains the children’s reaction time, they will build up a better condition and therefore have more energy.
The training will be provided by Artur Mariano, a respected member of the muay thai world and also vice president of the World Muay Thai Federation (WMF). With over 35 years of experience and 9 world titles under his care, Artur knows how to teach the children all the tricks of kickboxing!
What is Champions-Factory Holland?
Champions Factory Holland in Amstelveen is the first location of Champions-Factory in Europe. With a total of 14 gyms worldwide, it is now also possible for children to learn kickboxing in Amstelveen under the guidance of Artur Mariano!
What does my kid need to start kickboxing?
You don’t need anything for the first few lessons to start kickboxing with us! All materials can be borrowed for the first few training sessions, after which you will have to purchase a set of gloves and protectors yourself! When you decide to become a member you will receive an outfit from us with a shirt and shorts to train in.
Want to know more or come to do a trial ? Get in touch below!
Kids / Group – Muay Thai / Kick Boxing / Bag Training
Monday: 19:00 – 19:30 Bag Training
Tuesday: 16:00 – 17:00 Muay Thai / Kick Boxing
Friday: 15:45 – 16:45 Muay Thai / Kick Boxing
Saturday: 11:00 – 11:30 Bag Training
Want to train on a different time? Have a look at personal training in Amstelveen!